Jaime's parents (Mr. & Mrs. Padula) are in town from Waterbury, Connecticut and lucky for me, they threw a dinner party to celebrate Jaime's upcoming 29th birthday- and put me on the guest list! Jaime's mom really went to town (but then again, when does she not?) - She effortlessly whipped up a TURKEY, meatballs, pasta, corn casserole, cranberry sauce, salad, Italian cookies, cream puffs and Jaime's favorite strawberry cake! VIP attendees included: Mia, Gavin, Michael, Hillary and SYP. Topics of discussion included but were not limited to: the writer’s strike, stare smile look away then repeat, hoods vs. clickers, competitive Ohio wedding cookie tables, do you swim?, favorite TV show run down, 99 cent clutch purses can look like they're from Neiman Marcus, mango champagne combo, every woman should own a fluffy pink robe, Megerella not Cinderella, name that PJ commercial, corn casserole rocks, guest blogger Wednesdays with Judy Padula, Jack Nicholson is exactly like you'd think he would be, Hillary & SoYoung's first meeting, dye your hair blue black, Jaime - it seems like it should be your 7th birthday with that cake!, Brennan is my #1 fan, poor Cody the dog, blind dates, fantastic bathroom remodels, picking up men at AA meetings (super bad idea), Holly Hobby had a blue bonnet, JQ's confetti magazine incident, purchasing a house, how to wrap a gift with a red dress, the cats out of the bag, perfume smell-off contest, vera wang has a flower delivery company, apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur, DJs and Dido.
Meg & the pre birthday girl
Mia & Gavin - making their debut as a couple on my blog...

Jaime, SoYoung & Meg - looking like we're in a warehouse

Meg & SoYoung
this is the best article ever...that pre-birthday girl is fabulous! :)
Thank you everyone for a fabulous pre-birthday partaayy! and thank you Meg for helping to set it all up! xoxo
Can I PLEASE have your wardrobe? Thanks! Where did you get the fun dress you are wearing at this party? And I can't believe that you didn't approach J.T. for a pic!
The pre birthday girl IS fabulous! It was such fun to get together and catch up!!!!
summer...you too can have my dress if you go to the Veronica M sale. Do you have this store in the O.C.?
What fabulous people! I wish I had been at that swinging LA party. Ditto on wanting the authors wardrobe. When can you move out to the East Coast and save my house for me? Bring the pre-birthday girl, too. You can leave her husband at home.
cute dress megan
Happy Birthday Jaime! I heard your party was delicious and fun...wish I could have been there!
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