my valentine party was SO FABULOUS this year!!! my mom was here, love was in the air, tables & chairs were rented, corsages were made up until the last second, the ribbon wall was in full effect, there was a great turn out (40 gals in all), everyone brought adornments, sweet treats, alcohol or gifts for me!!! (thank you sooo much for all the sweet gifts - follow your heart sign, pretty pink plant, heart soap, union jack frame, poetry book, candle & much much more)!!!, glitter glue sticks were admired, hearts were everywhere, gossip was spread, kathleen gave a hair bun demo with a sock that she saw on pinterest, there was a shoe give away to sarah & joy (thanks to sam), danielle's pretzel/ hershey kiss/ m&m treats were in high demand (can you triple your batch next year?), heart aprons were worn, marriage proposals were discussed, campbell showed us her talent show dance routine, glue was spilled, glitter was ground into the floors, jello shots were consumed, walter was found wandering the street, new gals came & loved itky, southwest salad from joan's on 3rd was a hit, everyone bonded, creativeness flowed and so many amazing valentines were made for everyone we love!!! THANK YOU for all the fun!!!!!!

This one date entry has taken over the entire blog page!! After staring at the "valentine prep" listing you had on FOREVER, you have delivered a photo extravaganza that blends the adult-hands-on-crafty-social warmth of a quilting bee with the paper-cut-and-paste pastiche of little frenzied design artists. Valentines for one and all.
You are SO creative Meg! Your place looks adorable!
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