Saturday, February 27, 2010

happy birthday GAVIN!

GAVIN is 32 today! His interests include: sparkling pomegranate juice, Mia, mixing casual and fancy, Dahlia, riding his bike to work, playing xbox with Tim on Sundays, my blog, break away pants, tortillas from Tucson, making his own music, owning a home, community service, french fries, dining at Norms, owning a lot of hats, Ross, black shirts, painting on giant canvases in the street, fish tanks, animal rights and ice cream!! He is a risk taker, he's seen EVERY movie in the world, he's a reggae & karaoke hater , a stand up guy and a lover of danger! We all love Gavin and wish him a magical birthday!!


Dunking is my dream said...

its true.. I do hate reggae & karaoke.
Thanks lady!

Janie Taylor said...

Happy Birthday to some of my most favorite people in the world!
"I shall grow old, but never lose life's zest, Because the road's last turn will be the best"
Henry Van Dyke
Dahlia is so beautiful! Blessings to you all!