Monday, February 23, 2009

HATE is such a strong word, but I'm prepared to use it!

Today I'm a hater of...surprise termite invasions in the kitchen, stale gum, Monday morning, being sick, the DMV, litterbugs, cat litter, all other bugs, action big blockbuster movies, sun burns, spooky white vans, spooky white vans with curtains, dead batteries, in-n-out hot rod t-shirts, troubled teens, the smell of some hobos, pine furniture, dirty fingernails, ed harty, mt. dew (cactus cooler is good though), looking @ 7-11 hot dogs donuts in a dirty case & taquitos, large parking structures, fake silk flower arrangements, turtlenecks (not on you, just me...this is my issue), freddy krueger, reggae, "contemporary" furniture, being poor, loud trash trucks gardeners & street sweepers early in morning, the fact my maps are falling apart, pet hair, grumps, slugs & snails (I'm really reaching now) and when you wear your tube top! - are you with me??


LuLu said...

Gene...Reggae? C'mon...also, pet hair, thanks for hating one i love and the other I can not help, it's everywhere.

BabyMcNiece said...

ladsy, having a bad day?

hub of the house said...

GENE- I can't believe you don't hate reggae...sorry, we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one! - I mostly hate pet hair stuck in my lip gloss - don't fret!

MIA- believe it or not, my day is pretty good so far. I made a trip to the cutest baby shop in Pasadena called giggle...what more can a girl ask for?

Dunking is my dream said...

its cool Megan I hate reggae too.

Anonymous said...

I just turned on channel 932 to listen to some Reggae (someone must like it because they have their own channel)!!?? What about Don Campbell's "Tired Of Being Alone"? That's when you need some pet hair!

hub of the house said...

PENNY- so wise, so wise for a siamese cat!

Anonymous said...

Be careful Meg about hating anything that is so non consequential....UB40 "Food For Thought"

hub of the house said...

can I dislike?

Anonymous said...

Am I allowed to wear tube tops since I live in 90 degree weather? Kind of a staple. :)Reggae? Having a beer on an exotic beach with some reggae in the background isn't half bad. Might change your tune...(no pun intended).

Anonymous said...

I also love reggae. I do like pet hair as long as it's still attached to a puppy. Umm also meg wasn't it you who wanted to go to a reggae festival this last weekend?!?! In long beach no less!

Dunking is my dream said...
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Dunking is my dream said...

Im not a fan of pet hair either but i do have a soft spot for troubled teens.

Evie B. said...

Mmmmmmm. Hobo Smell.

LuLu said...

Dear Everyone who hates reggae,

Obviously you are not fans of music! You probably love country...Ragga muffin festival last weekend in Long Beach, wish I could have gone, not the best line up though...I suggest listening to some Gregory Issacs, Steel Pulse, Alton Ellis(kind of reggae) The Itals and then lets have a conversation on how you hate reggae.. But, you are right, let us aggree to disagree. Will you still be apart of our wedding if it's in Long Beach and we play reggae music? I love you genie pie!

LA DOG CO said...

oh boy!