Monday, May 19, 2008

Important News Bulletin: Clean your ears at home!

I realize that we live in a fast paced world where we're often forced to do things on the go in the car - shave, read the newspaper, pluck, eat sick looking goop in plastic wrappers, wear diapers and drive to Florida to kill. Where do we draw the line?

I like ear hygiene as much as the next gal, but I want to warn people of the grossness & possible danger of driving on Robertson Blvd in rush hour traffic while cleaning your ears out with q-tips and examining what you've retrieved. Call me old fashioned, but I think this act should be performed ONLY in the privacy of your own home! Not wanting to single the ear wax guy out, equally revealing & embarrassing is the fact that I was listening to brandy & monica's song "the boy is mine" while this happened... Perhaps the record breaking heat is getting to us all.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What no pic?

SUMMER said...

My mom LOVED getting people's ear wax! I actually cleaned my ears out today and was surprised with how much I got out! YIKES!

SUMMER said...

And I meant my mom LOVES (she still does)

hub of the house said...

summer- thanks for taking care of that at home instead of in the car!

Danielle said...

the boy is mine, the boy is mine, the boy is mine....great song!

Anonymous said...
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