Monday morning we checked into the ever so posh, Bryant Park Hotel. The bellman's first words to us were, "Happys Memorials Days, Mrs. McNieces and Mrs. Taylors!" - Throughout our stay he said EVERY word plural, which became Mia & my big running joke! Our hotel and the view of Bryant Park from our window...

We dropped off our bags and left for lunch at Pastis (next to Whitney from The Hills) in the revamped Meat Packing District! The whole area was filled with high end boutiques, restaurants and quaint hotels, much different from the transvestite filled streets we remember.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn was our next destination of choice - to fit in with the cools, we had vegan kulfi pistachio cardamon (whatever that is) ice cream at the cutest shop called Penny Licks. I LOVE Williamsburg! The area is so up my alley. The whole borough looks like a Teen Vogue photo shoot. I jotted down a bunch of fashion trends I spotted which I want to emulate- the kids are still wearing gladiator sandals so we have a least 6 more month until we need to say goodbye to that one! We tried to find the Sarah Cihat dishes I like but the store that carries them was closed. After a few hours we were back to Manhattan - this time to Soho - we wandered the streets, ate pizza that tasted like water, got too excited about mini toblerones and took in some shopping until we thought we were going to die!

On the eve of Memorials Days - drinks at Stanton Social, Dave Navaro at the Bowery Hotel, ceramic tiles tied to a chain link fence and dinner at the hot spot, Waverly Inn in the West Village (John Legend was having a small dinner party right next to us). Waverly Inn was cute, it had a neighborhoody vibe which felt like it had been there forever and the food was delicious! When we returned to our hotel, housekeeping had set our sound machine to the loudest spooky heart beat! ahhhhh turn down services

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