After raiding my apartment (like a serious burglar) in search of my Mr. T starter kit, I headed to Culver City to show off my gold chains! Open barely a week, Father's Office, was surely the place to be last night!! I waited in a 25 min line to get in to meet Bret, Paige, Tristant, Tabatha & Mia - Not to put a wrench in the excitement, BUT I feel like my line waiting days need to be over! I am almost thirty two (1 month & 5 days to go - hint hint party planners) and it seems there is absolutely no where I need to be soooo badly that I stand around for long periods of time practically begging for acceptance & admittance! I feel like I've put my time in for years...Patiently, I have stood for much of my lifetime, but I am too old, too crotchety & practically wheelchair bound to keep it up anymore! Shouldn't I be whisked to the front of any line? Or better just avoid areas that involve such practices?
Finally, they granted me entry! Once inside the blood free- brand new joint, I was ridiculed for ordering expensive wine @ a beer joint (per Tabatha's suggestion, I will be sending my date a thank you note), we had intense debates on caramelized onions, skin grafting procedures, killing Jesus, Jessica Simpson, bang trims, camp counselors, El Paso border control (sounds exciting), doberman puppies, corpses, salty seasoned land rover actors with amazing improv skills, Brewster's birthday, bulimia, estate sale pumps & well vs. medium well meat.
We fought for tables, silverware & napkins, put many urban myths to rest, applauded citrus obsessions & ate burgers.
Sounds nice, eh?- Well, GOOD GOD people!! Does an outing really need to be so painstaking? I am pushing "elderly" and maybe next time, I shouldn't be one of the first ones on the scene at the hottest spots! After all, my Janet Jackson back up dancing days are very over!
Huh??? I totally agree.....huh? is the right thought to have - I am confused by me too! At times I can't help but wonder if I was born in the olden days, would I have been put away in some institution??
at least the good thing about waiting in line at a place like FO is that it is all worth it in the end and not some super lame club where the major ghettos are out and about trying to hit on you
I really thought this blog was going to be about Dad getting rid of his old desk in his office...
you'll be standing in lines for the rest of your life so keep your favorite novel or poetry collection in your purse!
Mommy Dearest,
no offense, but Dad's desk isn't really a HOT blog topic of mine.
your delightful daughter
caramelized onions-yum in moderation! skin grafting procedures-if ever burnt go ahead and hook yourself up one! Jessica Simpson-what is there to talk about with her these days?, bang trims-big fan! camp counselor-pervs, doberman puppies-if only they stayed puppies, corpses-fun especially the ones with "angel lust", bulimia-why on earth would you ever want to vomit? food is too good, well vs. medium well meat-personally medium rare if you ask me.
gorgeous twosome by the way!
Always loving you.....
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