All week long, I tried to get my hands on a fake pregnant strap-on tummy (no luck) because I knew I could do more damage at this morning's Silverspoon "Babies & Dogs" gifting suite in Century City! - the vendors really give big when they see a nice pregnant gal! As my plan to fool the powers that be didn't pan out, I resorted to smiling, occasionally saying I had a newborn (ego boost, as they told me I looked great for just giving birth!), and finger crossing in hopes they would just hand over the goods, no questions asked! Beau & Kim will certainly be in luck because Aunt Meg (I enjoy talking about myself in 3rd person sometimes) loaded up on free baby gear! While Danielle was still making her rounds (she is pregnant so the people LOVED her), Mia and I enjoyed time with a bunch of strange dogs that were lurking around! This event was to promote the latest and greatest from companies that cater to babies and dogs. They hope B list celebs will be seen with their product and in turn they will receive press - ahhh, the lengths I will go in order not to pay for a baby shower gift! After the soiree, Danielle, Mia and I lunched on meat sandwiches and shopped for turquoise scarves then I ditched them and got yet ANOTHER haircut. perhaps I have a problem.

Thank god I didn't leave you two more time to take photos with strange dogs...another minute and you would have crawled in with the giant 16 year old cancer survivor dog!
meat sandwiches for our MEAL
Soooo jealous!
how does one get in on this adventure next year?
don't I have the best looking best friends?
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