a house I could fix up,
bandaids, tennis shoes I could wear in public, a basketball team, a pool, a black dress, a mac laptop, j brand jeans, a copy of the Bill of Rights, a
Frida Kahlo painting (but who doesn't?), a lady that straightened my hair every morning who was also my assistant (yes, it would be fun to "own" her), a lifetime supply of something, a sea horse rain jacket, a wok, a push up bra - Otherwise,
I'm good!
I have a wok in my storage unit. You are welcome to it if you ever want to come and get it. :) I also wish that I owned a basketball team. Because if I did I could probably own everything else that I want as well.
Oh Meg, my seahorse rain coat is always here when you need a fix.
And I will give you my one and only copy of the Bill of Rights
I bought you tennis shoes in Dec. that would track how long you ran and play your ipod music?
We had a pool all of your life in Westlake Village and you hardly ever got inside the pool to swim?
I could have given you a hundred bandaids last week...why didn't you mention you needed some?
I've bought you a few fake Frida paintings these past few years?
And....you will ALWAYS have a lifetime supply of love from your Mom and Dad and Friends...don't worry....it's the best life time supply of ANYTHING! Just ask and you may receive! Love You So.....
You have a lifetime supply of fandom from me!
Now I have to ask----when is your birthday Meg? Seems I now have a few ideas....
sarah...JUNE 7th! please let me know, are you getting me bandaids or a basketball team?
I am surprised that you don't have a black dress. What? And I need to own a hair person that could straighten my hair everyday too! Sometimes you just can't see the back that good to get it as sleek as the front!
P.S. Sarah- let me get her the bandaids and I'll let you get her the b-ball team!
June 7th? ok so that gives me a little time!
maybe ....a house with a pool- let me see if I can pull a few strings!
you all are so sweet! Brennan- thanks for your undying support and diligence with regards to my blog.
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