Anyone want to join me on an outdoor adventure in Montana? My friend Brooke and her husband, Peter, are excited to be in the process of purchasing Willow Ranch Outfitting www.willowoutfitters.com. WRO is located in the middle of the Lee Metcalf Wilderness of Southwest Montana, which borders Yellowstone National Park. Who wouldn't want to experience the beauty of Montana on a full service fly fishing, hunting (can you guys see me hunting?) or horse pack trip? Los Angeles UNITE and head to Montana to create memories of a lifetime (and to hang out with Brooke)!
Woo hoo!!! Come hang out with us! I promise you will have fun and have a trip of a lifetime!!!! Montana is BEAUTIFUL in the summer... I suggest a fishing trip on the Yellowstone. You can stay with us for free!
Thanks Meg!
That is amazing! Congratulations. We just got back from Big Sky and it's beyond gorgeous. My husband is a big fly-fisherman (I've also been known to wet a line) so we'll definitely pay a visit! :)
Meg, you are officially on the payroll!
Johonna - so glad to hear you have been to the area! It is spectacular and we hope to see you and the fly fisherman soon!
sounds like fun
You should come here. It would be very fun!
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