I also want to thank the highlights! I have deep gratitude in my heart for the following highlights - thank you for making the Academy Awards worthwhile:
Gary Busey accosting Jennifer Garner & Laura Linney on the red carpet, Harlem's IMPACT Repertory choir, Harrison Ford's earring, Oscar salute to binoculars & periscopes, costume design winner - Alexandra Byrne (she was just the right amount of kooky), observing George Clooney's mute girlfriend all night, 80 years of Oscars flashback, Amy Adams, Best Supporting Actor flashback, Best Supporting Actress flashback, actually all the flashbacks - I guess I just love a good flashback, Javier Bardem's Spanish shout out, all the non English speaking winners (they make me tear up), all the movies that have Bumble Bees in them, the spooky "Rosemary's Baby" lady, Tilda Swinton, the height difference between the Coen brothers, Marion Cotillard and her "thank you life, thank you love", ONCE - I love ONCE (you should get the soundtrack!), my parents calling me in tears when Once won best song, Marketa & Glen, pregnant Nicole Kidman who doesn't look pregnant at all!, Diablo Coty's dress with the thigh baring slit and Daniel Day Lewis' earrings.
Harrison Ford's earring....
so gross!
Didn't you love Maketa coming back out to do her very own speech.....Daddy and I really did start crying with joy!
I loved that John brought Marketa back! - it was terrible when they turned the microphone off when she began to speak after Glen...
i like frances mcdormand "teasing" or whatever she was doing to the cohen brothers while they were on stage - the whole time...
i LOVED marions dress and hair
cate blanchett in general
javier bardem kissing his mom - alot
i did NOT like that Hannah Montana was even there
jack nicholson - in general - he is bad ass.
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