Friday night kicked off with part 2 of my REVIEW for work, which went well! My weakness is that I take too much on & should say NO more often (not too shabby if I do say so myself!). A dozen of us with family far away are having Thanksgiving at PJ & Jaime's again this year (the greatest Thanksgiving around- no offense Mom & Dad) - Jaime, Karen & I had a planning meeting over chinese food at Genghis Cohen with Olympia Dukakis, Warren Beatty & Shirley MacLaine - hopefully they can make it! After I fought for certain vegetables and we assigned side dishes, Hillary & I hit up the Village Idiot to practice our chit chatting skills with the local patrons (betty & bill from michigan, the realtor, the oscar winner from aspen & calabasas, armando the rose peddler, the gross couple that made out next to us, almost guest dj-ing on 103.1- ahhh the fun!)
Saturday was spent running errands and in search of a galvanized steel trash can - no luck! Mia, Jen, Lola, Hillary, Holden and I met at Lauren's and walked to Alli's 30th birthday cocktail party (delicious mushroom numbers, Laurie with Lola (ugh!), self guided tours of the Jensen's new house, Taryn is pregnant - looks great and due in 2 weeks, breast feeding under the zebra art (Jen that is), COCO and one of these tikes threw up a little on me)...home just in time to be lightly stalked by my neighbor!
Sunday brought a delightful breakfast at Blue Plate on Montana, a new black puffy jacket, bad TV, 2 trips to Starbucks, Pottery Barn Kids for Nixon Garlock, bad advice from Mia, guacamole and reckless emailing!

Lauren, Holden, Jen, Lola, Mia, Hillary & Chloe

Lauren & meg

The girls walking to the party

Sara Lauren & Meg
You are so funny, your blog is fabulous, you life looks like fun ;) I'm glad!
wow, can i please party with the baby clan next time?!!!!! haha
Seriously...they are thes best sweet potatoes ever! Thank you!had fun on Friday. Why are you getting rid of your lockers?? they are amazing. Make sure you get mucho dinero for them...they are worth it.
Makes me miss all these gals! Wish I could have joined. Wow, Hill and Jen are hot moms!
Why didn't we discuss crying baby and drunk realtors? miss you gene!
You can't leave the lockers!!!
They are a part of you. They are you!
Love You, K
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