Sunday, August 26, 2012

bon voyage sara!

our dear friend Sara has fallen madly in love with a fellow named Jason & is moving to san francisco to be with him! we are so excited for her & a million of her closest friends got together to send her off last night at the NEW bungalow @ the fairmont hotel (super cool spot) & later @ renees. The best part of the night was when Jason surprised her, flew to LA & crashed the party!!! Sara will be missed but now we all have a great excuse to head north!

Sara & Meg!
promoting Sara's g- sale on the tree @ the bungalow!
our photo for the guest book we all signed 
trying to look tough - I think we pulled it off!
Adrian, Olivia & Sam!
Olivia, Sam & Meg!
Meg & Shayna!
Sara, Meg & Shayna!

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