Sunday, December 25, 2011

I am in tulsa if you need me...

highlights include but are not limited to: eyelash extentions (a christmas gift from the parents), last minute christmas shopping at utica square (cutest purse ever), a quick jaunt to a thrift store (safari shirt, orange necklace & chain bracelet), swan lake, 3rd times a charm table cloth, stonehorse dinner date with my dad, nemio the fish (hee hee), aunt kathie went to jj pearce with paige hillary & jessica simpson, the christmas pig, new super cute sunglasses, christmas haiku-a-thon, miss jacksons, edison first record ever, candyland, a corn starch purchase, lunching @ wolfgang puck, christmas-ing, fat guy burger, reuniting with Dillan, no jeanne tripplehorn sightings this trip, clam chowder in bread bowls, delivering sour cream coffee cakes to the neighbors, french bags perfect for wrapping gifts, breakfast casserole is delicious, fun with relatives, dinner @ dalesandros, black optical is the best, brady tavern, "eyelash kim", lots of basketball watching & fantasy team trades, pink grapefruit perrier, pendelton store, drysdales western store, bass pro shop, adventurizing downtown, fish & chips and good clean family fun!!!!
my new rebecca minkoff striped purse is in this box!!!!
jane know how to WOW at christmas!
pre christmas shopping spree in utica square (thank you for the anthropologie horse shirt!!)
Jane's new hat & my new super french sunglasses
Dillan is really into princesses!

dillan with grandma tay tay
Steve opening up his tony perez baseball card!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came downstairs a while ago to feed walter and could barely make out the doggie saliva drool on the back sliding glass door. Did it read "Ware iz shee" or "Ware iz he" ??.... OH, THE DRAMA!!