Friday, October 28, 2011

makena beach!

after 4 hours of snorkling & sunning at the beach in front of the kea lani hotel, danielle text us to meet them at makena big beach & we obliged! we hopped in our jeep wranger (my high school car), stopped at a roadside stand for coconuts (yum) and joined them just as the beach was being closed due to out of control rip tides! next we hit makena secret beach. this gorgeous secluded cove hidden by a lava rock wall is where danielle & brian were married 10 years ago! fun fact: presley's middle name is MAKENA & she was thrilled to be at the beach she was named after!
danielle, presley makena & meg @ the jawz taco truck!
makena secret beach
presley's first time at HER beach!
presley & tay tay
secret beach - site of their october 19th wedding!
danielle & presley
nixon's front tooth has been loose the whole trip & finally on friday he lost it & the tooth fairy came all the way to maui with a lego set! how cool is that?
our best sides!
hoho & nana (brian's parents), danielle, presley & brian eating tacos from jawz!
pre vow renewal stake out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Meg. However, that pancake land mass in the background of all those paradise photos reminds me of the little brother who always gets pushed to the rear ( yea, you guessed right! ). Kahoolawe is the smallest of the eight volcanic hawaiian islands and always gets snubbed, a runt by quirks of nature; it has very little ground water, and sits in the rain shadow of its big brother( Maui's volcano, Haleakala. Thanks, Chuck!). It was relegated to penal colony status from 183o to 1853, and later used as a training area and bombed to splinters by the U.S. military. At least get inventive with the island photos and similiar to the posed hand holding up that leaning tower in Italy...put your thumb on top of it!