Sunday, June 6, 2010

a richard simmons pre birthday celebration!

The theme for Saturday's class was ROCK N ROLL! A bunch of our friends showed up so it made for an extra fun time! Sara & Lindsay kidnapped Devon and surprised her with some Richard - she was quite hesitant at first but had a blast in the end! Somehow, this class doesn't get old to me!
Kirsten, Anne, Richard, Karen, Catherine & Meg
THANK YOU Sara for my awesome new t-shirt! The plan is to take it in with my sewing machine and rock it on the town! Sweet Sara also gave me the coolest printed duct tape to wrap gifts with!!!!!we're NOT going steady, but this is what we'd look like if we were!Sara, Linds & Devon!Meg, Richard & Catherine! Mr. Simmons told her that she was "a cute little wolf range" when he found out she was a kitchen designer- hee hee!Richard and the class sang me and this darling SEVENTY ONE year old lady "happy birthday"! We were both given little hand painted clay richard necklaces to mark the occasion!

1 comment:

Mommy said...

This is just too funny...I can't wait to come visit so I can do the work out too! Love....