Monday, July 20, 2009

NEVERLAND party animals

Paige & Tristant teamed up with Ali to have a housewarming/ birthday blowout extravaganza party to pay respects to Neverlanders everywhere! The crowd's costumes ranged from the world of Peter Pan, Tinker bell & the Lost Boys to Michael Jackson in every stage of his life to MJ's pets! Tim and I suited up and popped over for some extra 1 year anniversary excitement! He was Bubbles the monkey and I was a swan from the Neverland Ranch pond (questionable I know)...

Tinker Bell Paige and Swan Meg
The gang!Happy Anniversary Honey! Stefanie & Meg Paige, Meg & Ali Paige, Tim & Ben (Ben is Tim's old roomate and we found out recently that he is really good friends with Tristant - small world!!)


Unknown said...

Tinkerbell definitely spread her fairy dust that night!

Sara K. said...

You are such a cute Swan/Bjork! Tell me more about Ben...