The BIG DAY that I've spent months prepping and planning has finally arrived! I was READY! I had my Starbucks that I got on Xmas eve (since I knew they would be closed). Beau, Kim and Dillan came over in their pajamas (well, not Beau) and the action began! - We all made out like bandits - especially the baby , who slept through the excitement! After 5 hours of present opening we were EXHAUSTED (we still had tons of gifts left) - rest was in order before we went to Uncle Pete & Aunt Kathie's house for dessert! We didn't have it in us to rally enough to make our planned Christmas dinner, so we put a frozen pizza in the oven. sad.
My new cardigan sweater and bracelet...

Kim and Meg showing off Dillan's finger puppets from Grandma Tay Tay (that's what my mom wants to be called)

I gave Dillan a bunch of Rockabye Baby cds - lullaby renditions of classic rock songs -Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley and more!
Beau & Meg

My Dad cleaned up when it came to t-shirts - vintage Kings, UCLA, Duke, Cal and a few more!

My mom got green Juicy gloves...She went crazy over them!

Right before we headed to Pete & Kathie's, we opened one more gift! - I got opera glasses...

My dad got another t-shirt...

After dessert, Meg & Dillan at Pete & Kathie's house

My cousin Morgan met Dillan for the first time!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas!!!
looks like you scored tons of great presents!
wholesale jewelry
nike dunk
costume jewelry
costume jewelry
fashion jewelry
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