Sunday, November 30, 2008

an eve out...

Tim and I meet some kids out on the town for drinks at Seven Grand! Jaime, Meg & Chris sitting in the plaid booth...
'Preppy For PJ' was the theme when we got dressed to go downtown and pose for this prom pic!
Chris, Will, Pat, John & CDub!
Meg & John facebooking Shayna and trying to remember what makes a limerick a limerick...
Tim, Meg & Chris - little do we know that a little later the three of us will be hanging out at a casino watching people eat delicious steamed rice...
Meg & cdub...
And then it got ugly... watch the fight sequence...

Tim, Chris and I found ourselves at the Commerce Casino with $100 in chips...
These are some of the upstanding citizens that were also playing poker at the casino! Lucky me, I got some whistles, saw obscene amounts of beef with brocolli, an elderly gent offered me $100 to play at his table and promised to fax me!!??! probably won't see me back there anytime soon!


LuLu said...


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