After a day of cacti buying, waxing, massaging, manicures, pedicures, napping and watching my Mom eat a hamburger at Apple Pan, I kicked it off! - Kicked off my hopefully AMAZING year of being 32 with a delightful little Mexican Fiesta! I had such fun and I hope you did too!
My Mom and I slightly slaved over green
chile pozole, American flag adorned brownies (because I had a Mexican party in the USA), guacamole, a corn concoction with
queso, enchiladas, mango salsa, carrots and radishes (surprisingly tasty). We decorated my apartment with pink carnations, garlands, crepe paper and Spanish tiles. I dressed in my best and brightest
Latin dress and even made myself a brooch/ ribbon/ corsage/ glittery concoction and pinned it to my shoulder! I was ready!
There were some ridiculous surprises, some strangers, some quick exits, a few obviously predictable moments, the
usuals, laughs with more laughs on top of the other laughs, 2 broken state plates (Missouri & my
fav. Wyoming with the horse), tears of joy, some schemes, a tour or two, the promise of an oil painting, a few awkward situations, pinning tails on donkeys, classic mom moments, brownie throwing, dancing, rap, repositioning of audio cables, the threat of the splits, stories of flashers in Santa Monica, map reading and recording, deals, exchanging of phone numbers and lots of new bed testing out!

My apartment, all fiesta-ed up and ready for a party! Thanks Mom for my new
Roebeleni Palm tree - radical, right?

Sara (moving to LA from NY in one month) & Meg - AFTER she was all pinned up, flashed & informed about the wearing of the light brown suit on the Today Show and BEFORE she gave me a great dress from her spring '08 collection -
DOIE - check it out NOW! 
Doie dress (courtesy of Sara), my new fancy mattress and my tiny cardboard deer head (yes, we all imagined it larger)

Mia and Gavin brought the magic, the music and a guy named Kelly!
PJ, Jaime and Courtney (PJ's FABULOUS sister whom I just LOVE) - I will be getting Starbucks for life thanks to this trio!

Mandi, looking quite adorably pregnant, fresh off a plane from Colorado, made it to the party with her husband Justin and brother-in-law - Sheldon! What champs! Fun to see you!

Paige and Tabatha - Thanks gals for the 7-11 pit stop for more solo cups, the half consumed wine and bringing the makings of
Rotel. You say
Queso. I say
Rotel. Let's call the whole thing off!

Margot and Meg (after making plans to move to Austin) with Mozart, Beethoven and really old gumballs.

My Mom and her FAVORITE fella, Gavin!
Mis Amigas looking ultra festive - Margot, Mia, Meg & Sara

My #1 FAN - Brennan! - no one goes to my blog more - thanks kindly for keeping me in business and the bottle of wine!

lipstick on mirrors, a meg
taylor trademark! It's always a HIT, try it!

Mia & Gavin gave me THE BEST gift EVER (the rest of you are tied for the 2
nd best, you must understand)-
A hard back book of the first 100 pages of my blog! I was crying, Mia was not really crying, other people were is
soooooo COOL,
soooo sweet,
soooo perfect,
soooo right up my alley,
soooooo permanent! Gavin said Mia spent a month working on the layout and pulling the whole thing together - there was even a time the Blurb website crashed and she had to start the whole thing over from scratch! Now that is love.

Margot wowed us with her stories from her trip to India! She wowed me with three burned
cds and "When You Are Engulfed In Flames" by David

Karen (looking ridiculously cute and pregnant) & Meg - I am infatuated with the necklace Karen, Terry & little T gave me - I love the way it attaches, I love the neutrality of it, I love the splash of turquoise - I couldn't imagine a better necklace if I imagined all day long! THANK YOU for making it out to my party AND
fyi, I am wearing an
anthro bobby pin right this minute.

The winner of the most personalized gift award - Mia!

Shayna and Mia - Shayna gave me glasses which are to die for!

Terry & Paige

Thank you EVERYONE for such a happening birthday! 32 is all the rage! Mom & Dad- thank you for going BIG for my 32
nd! - my plane ticket to NY, my new TV, my new mattress, a microwave, groceries, waxing, a trip to
costco, new bedding, giraffe pillow, new top, a bra, loads of Perrier, LOVE and SUPPORT - what would I do if I didn't know you?
Happy Birthday. Thanks for the fun and the fritos!
i guess no pics of m made the party blog. hmmm.
Happy Birthday again! Thanks for making the party baby friendly. We had fun! Hopefully I will have a sitter before you turn 40.
How FUN!! Way to start off your year of being the BIG 3-2! You still look 21 to me!
I had so much fun and am looking forward to many more theme parties after I move!
Glad that your B-day was SO great!!!! I LOVE the Blurb book that your friend Mia gave you!!! I want to do one of those so bad but am nervous of course. I feel like I won't be able to figure it out...
summer- what makes your nervous?? I started doing it myself last night and it is very simple - PROMISE!
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