Rehabilitated Dishware by Sarah Cihat - these dishes are BRILLIANT, in my humble opinion. Not a day goes by that I don't shed a tiny tear of hope and dream of the day I will be eating off a full set of these repurposed, refired, reglazed, recycled thrift store dishes! In fact, not a day goes by that I don't cry hysterically because I soooo could do this myself - I mean I love thrift stores (I know if a dirty old plate has potential or not) and I am sure I would be a natural with a stencil and a kiln, right? If nothing else, I would enjoy going to a party and seeing someone eating a delicious hors d'oeuvre off one of these platters - they really make my heart sing. If I lived in Brooklyn I would definitely apply for her studio internship to pursue my real calling in life!

The one with the horse and stars at the top is great!
How does one go about buying these plates?
Wow, the astronaut is genius. The anchor is a pretty close second. Figure out how to make them!
mommy dearest...click on the first few words... rehabilitated dishware...it will link you to the website. there is a store by me called zelen on beverly that has them. see you in june?
Meg these are AMAZING. I love the wolf with the gold tooth. I will remember for your bday next month.
SAR SAR - I didn't see the gold tooth wolf- that sounds like the best of the best!!!!
well someone does have a birthday quickly approaching...
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