Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Vacation to Venice

On Friday night I packed my bags (note to self: bring more lotions and potions next time) and headed to Venice for what would become a never ending weekend of fun on the fly! Jen, Mia, Thatcher (for a brief moment after his shell fish episode), Hillary, Shayna and I rounded up all our troops and instructed them to meet us @ The Other Room where our various groups mingled, interviewed, spilled red wine on each other's frippery, were harassed, told bad jokes, cut their hands on broken glass, took over whole sections, made enemies, told sick stories and generally had a lovely time with the new bevy of delightful people we now know! Our new contacts were able to lure us to a fire pit where the night buzzed on (Washington D.C. hussies and all)...On Saturday I pounded the streets of Venice, browsed for furniture, sat outside the McNiece's home till they woke up, read my horoscope in numerous papers, almost went to Wertz Bros. to show off my magic, was waited on by a meth addict with dirty fingernails who had her fly open, enjoyed bacon with a lot of ketchup, napped, went on a mountain trip to old Japan 1959 with The Trachtenburg Family Slide Show Players (wanted less eggs honestly), learned from a real life tool slinging grease monkey how to fix a bike, sat in a Sanford & Sons-esq backyard, confessed to wanting to hang out in bodies of water, learned of the Japanese Monster & a giant turtle, met some leap frogging cousins on the street, became a ticking GI time bomb, touched Mo's cornrows, apologized for my ever so slight lack of empathy, attended a raging party with a mariachi band - the mariachi with the braces was my favorite, was mistaken for a vegetarian, agreed to let Max riffle through my belongings, recapped Friday night detail by detail, gossiped with Shayna, studied the four agreements, laughed so hard that my abs were turned into a six pack!, tucked a dress into jeans, begged for salad pizza, showed a group of guys how I curtsy, screamed with excitement in Spanish, learned of French summer solstice parties, was quoted to from "the office" on numerous occasions, perfected the bicycle built for two stop, discussed crunchy lamb at length, leaned into the turns like a pro, used 99 cent store tp, made new friends but kept the old, borrowed Tom Petty dvds, tried but failed to sneak out, got coffee from a high schooler, heard about mascara made from coconuts that could be applied with palm frawns, used my words, pep talked, had a long conversation with my mom about white sands and my shyness, admired carnations in a hedge, was mocked by Mia for saying the word: dumpster, was outed by Gavin from across the table, watched HPV take hold, had a huge Mexican dinner at La Cabana at 2am after sleeping for 5 hours, took in a lot of tea and her and her brunette brother, saw the fridge guy twice, wished I could wash my feet and enjoyed a touch of Charles Manson/ skin head hairstyle visuals. This morning I was slow to rally but eventually pulled myself together as best I could and watched Mia's elderly neighbor hump the grass, got a few bike cat calls, shouted out to Mikey (but not about his hernia), was assured I was not hanging out with the types that would commit acts of domestic violence, saw the principles of the secret take hold, sat on a curb, spoke the words "you could pay more but why?" and pointed at green patent leather shoes, went to Starbucks with Mia and then sadly, ended my vacation and went home! Have you ever heard of a better time???


bret said...

meg, i think i l, l, lo...nver mind.

Anonymous said...

meg- do you have a boyfriend?

Brian A. Jones said...

You really shouldn't let Max rifle through anything of yours... he;s a bit of a klepto. I need comments blog buddy, do your worst!

hub of the house said...

dearest brian,

how tight are we?


Anonymous said...

who's the cute guy on the bike?
I think I'm starting to really appreciate the art of riding a bike for two!!! Syncronize...maybe the art of a budding friendship!

LA DOG CO said...

OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD people! I was just lookin' out!!!

Unknown said...

lotions and potions...for what might i ask?

hub of the house said...

lookin out? into space or for me?

Anonymous said...

Bret, we all love Meg! I mean come on what's there not to like about this girl?

Well.... now that I think about it-she doesn't have a wok- so there's one thing I guess!

Brian A. Jones said...

well we did attend the same mariachi party and discuss the joys of blogging... but that's about as far as it goes.