Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Sugar Mommy Took Me Out AGAIN

GET WITH THE TIMES PEOPLE! Macrobiotics, from the Greek "macro" (large, long) and "bios" (life), is a dietary regimen which involves eating grains as a staple food supplemented with other local foodstuffs such as vegetables and beans, and avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods. Macrobiotics also address the manner of eating by recommending against overeating and requiring that food be chewed thoroughly before swallowing (come to think of it, there was a good amount of chewing) - Well, I am sold! Hillary and I hit M Cafe on Melrose for a delicious dose of macrobiotics - We both had The Big Marco (whole grain brown rice & vegetable burger, special sauce, lettuce, tofu cheese, pickles, onion, sprouts on a house-baked whole wheat bun) & couscous. Yum central.
P.S. In my humble opionion, not enough people say "yum central" - think about it.


Brooke and Peter said...

you are so "with the times." If i said that word here people would think I was talking about an STD.
I sure like a good greasy Stockman Burger... If you visit I will take you & you can compare...

Anonymous said...

GROSS- I have a hard time believing it was YUM!

LA DOG CO said...

seriously, it is YUM! YUMALICIOUS!!!!!

hub of the house said...

so yummy!!

SUMMER said...