If I had $12,000.00 for everyone who has told me I look like Catherine Keener, I might just be able to buy a house in the cute part of Culver City! I look forward to the day our lives collide just long enough for someone to snap a side by side photograph! P.S. I also get Maura Tierney from E.R. - but not nearly enough to land me in Culver City.

totally see it
wow... yes. pick out that house.
WOW you do! I would also say maybe a little summer phoenix---on her good days!
summer phoenix...hmmm
You do look like her... that is CRAZY! You are cuter with better style though.
i don't see it...
can u add to your blog what your good friend danielle said to maura at the CAA party...maura-megan, megan-maura.
thank you Danielle for introducing me to Maura - that wasn't awkward or anything....
summer phoenix??????? WHAT?
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