Tina Fey scar (no one has an answer, but I did find a whole website devoted to the question: scar-tina-fey.blogspot.com), Denis Leary (found out Conan O'Brien is his cousin), Teri Hatcher's ex husband, Casey Affleck Summer Phoenix (read up on Phoenix family for quite a bit - interesting), Laura Linney fiance, Vanessa Williams children (1 with Rick Fox, 3 with first husband), are Nicolette Sheridan and Michael Bolton married? how many calories in a medium Pinkberry? (my calculations say 300-ish), who is Whoopi Goldberg's boyfriend?, Whoopi Goldberg drugs, Whoopi Goldberg as a baby, Is Giuliana DePandi pregnant?, Jeremy Piven scandal (is there a scandal?), Dodger's 50th anniversary game (March 29th at the Colosseum. My dad is flying out for it of course), how to clean stainless steel pots, Lucite, omega-3 purified fish oil, swiss army blanket and then I went to a day-lab.com and purchased a 3" vintage "M" pin - how very Laverne of me!

1 comment:
Meanwhile, how is your espanol coming along? Espero que esta bueno!
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