Happy Birthday to you! I love you so much! You inspire and motivate me everyday (during our 5+ phone calls) - you are super inventive, clever, ridiculously creative, a domestic diva, funny, great at making up new words and quoting poems, you send fantastic care packages, you offer up excellent advice, your memory is like a steel trap, you have the most bright inviting spirit, you give a good foot rub (so Jen says), you can have a conversation with anyone, you are warm and everyone that meets you loves you! I truly appreciate you. Have the best day ever! I wish I could be there to spend the day with you!

P.S. check out Brooke's sweet tribute to my MOM on her blog
wow, that is sooo exciting! happy birthday jane!
good job meg!
Very cute and creative. She’ll LOVE it!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!
yay! it looks fab! thanks for including me:) although mine looks ridiculously uncreative in comparison........... xoxo jane!!!
your tribute to your mom is very true and very fitting! I agree she is the best . . .
happy birthday! you are loved....
Several things--- #1.... What is your Mom's birthdate????.. I was thinking it is April... but... obviously that is incorrect..... #2... I enjoy your blog.... #3... Here's a question.. stupid or not.... If there are blogs one wants to visit on a regular basis... where does one put the addy to go back to again and again?... Is there something one can sit-up ... like the address book for email addresses?.... If the answer is no, why is that do you think?.... #4.. the "eye" of peacock tailfeathers are known to be extremely lucky... I would imagine if one had about a zillion on each of two dryfeet boots, one would be so damn lucky as to be Godlike... so... be very careful and selective with such powerful boogabooga in your life.... #5..You say you are converting to Spanish. Here is something for you to use if you like it... no charge.... Our overused girltalk word for other females-- "Hey, Girlfriend " can use a Spanish equivalent. Here's one I made up and like.. "Hey,Chicamiga" .. You can probably have everyone using it in a week or two...
Anyway... I like your blog... Lot's of work, huh?..... Be sure to let me know the answer to the birthdate question... New Year's Love, UJ
who is that smashing good looking girl with the pink striped pj's? Jane is so lucky!
Like all good mothers, I check my daughter's blog every morning....including especially happy days like this one...This was just about the nicest birthday present I could have ever received! Thanks to all who participated! It's snowing here and I'm ever so happy to be another year older! Love to all of you!!!!!
This is really cool Meg! Aw I wish my pic was up there. Happy birthday aunt Jane! You truly deserve a great day! love Morgan
Hope you have a great birthday Jane!
you guys are awesome for all coming through with pics!
You are too cute, your mom must have loved this!
Please don't ever hate me if I happen to copy this cutest idea ever! Just know that copying is the highest form of flattery!!! :) Happy B-day Jane! And cute kids in the bathtub!!!
hopefully you all know someone named jane and you can steal my pics! - Summer, steal away
Meg Taylor, you are one in a million.
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