I successfully set up my new digital camera (read the instructions cover to cover), set up and synced my new iPod, installed software upon software upon software, waited 4 hours for the cable man, downloaded a million songs, uploaded a million pictures, talked memory cards, charged, learned Spanish, inserted discs, imported, exported, PDF-ed, got a manicure, JPEG-ed, become way too familiar with my USB port, configured, reconfigured, removed programs, and cleaned a little harmless pee! All of this would not have been possible without a little help...Special Thanks to Mauro the shyster cable guy (thanks for selling me the cheap goods that OBVIOUSLY fell off a truck to make my computer wireless!), the lady with the lazy eye in the camera section at Best Buy for making me think I can't live without the most expensive model, the understanding of the countless number of people who called that I blew off as I threw myself deeper & deeper into tech-ness, Danielle for her digital camera research, Paige for the country music I have saturated myself with since my last ipod broke, Pika and her husband Coco (sweet puppies that Hillary dropped off for a sleep over who became my partners in techy crime) and last but not least, my neighbor that plays a tuba!

PIKA (I pretended she was GIGI)
Whoo Hoo! What a wonderful day (except for Pika)! I am so excited about all your new fun stuff!! What camera did you get? What color? I am sorry I have been a bad friend lately:( I hope to wake up in a better mood one of these days, because everyone is growing tired of me.
i am so proud!
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